2019 Birdhouse Building Contest Guidelines

Welcome to Raven Tree and Siskiyou Land Trust’s 4th Annual Birdhouse Building Contest, Auction & Bird Walk


Birdhouse entries are due September 20th, 2019. Winners will be chosen by a judging panel and entries will be displayed at Mechanics Bank for two weeks. Adults and kids are all encouraged to participate.


Appreciating Birds in Sisson Meadow bird walk is on Sunday, September 22nd, 2019, at Sisson Meadow @ 9:00 AM. All are welcome! Bring binoculars, we could spot some beautiful fall migrants! Hosted by Jim and Debby Parker and Kendra Bainbridge.


How to Enter: It’s FREE!

  1. Submit your completed house to Raven Tree by September 20th, 2019.
  2. Fill out a registration form.
  3. Make sure your birdhouse has your name on it please.

Adults: You may choose to donate your finished birdhouse to the silent auction. All proceeds benefit Siskiyou Land Trust.


Prize Categories (Many Winners)

  • Fully Functional: These designs must have appropriate dimensions, entrance hole size, drainage, ventilation, ability to clean out, no perch, and durable wood type.
  • Art/Decorative: This includes painted houses and decorative amenities placed on the house.
  • 100% Natural Materials: Bird house parts made from our amazing resources that mother nature has provided.
  • Most Creative Handmade Kid’s Birdhouse and Most Creative Kit Birdhouse



  • All entries must be original construction. Name & contact information must be on bottom of birdhouse. Registration form must accompany entry.
  • We reserve the right to disallow any submission deemed objectionable. We are not responsible for any damage to, or disappearance, of the house.
  • Entrance into the contest constitutes permission to use your name and image for purposes of publicity, unless otherwise instructed.


Everyone is a winner! All contestants will go home with

a little something for their hard work.

Good Luck and Happy Building!